THIRD EYE Local Knowledge and Skill Activists Group. We as a group work alternative to globalization, which suppresses the differences in the multicultural world. We value all the species as equal and believe that they have the right to live on the planet earth. To create a dialogue on these issues we, conduct workshops, seminars, informal discussion groups, in the Universities, Schools, Villages and at other social events and publish a newsletter “Moondravathu Kann”.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Vasuki J
Most of my paintings/sketches with figures of women are named as woman / no title. They are my expressions of being POWERFUL differently-The Tamil/eastern version of power is 'Shakthy' which is a feminine term and mostly connected to power of women. But in reality powerfulness became as a masculine character which is used to exploit the world to the maximum. These paintings are my inner self’s explorations of the love & nurture of the nature. ‘In search of the buried’ is actually a mixture of Suriyakantha, chemmani, sathurukkondan....and many corners of Sri Lanka, where women wander around to search their sons, daughters and husbands. Similarly ‘My child is not for war’ is not only the recruitments but also the struggle of women to protect their children from disappearances, arrests and killings.