THIRD EYE Local Knowledge and Skill Activists Group. We as a group work alternative to globalization, which suppresses the differences in the multicultural world. We value all the species as equal and believe that they have the right to live on the planet earth. To create a dialogue on these issues we, conduct workshops, seminars, informal discussion groups, in the Universities, Schools, Villages and at other social events and publish a newsletter “Moondravathu Kann”.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Oh dear my child
You have to wait at least
The age of eighteen
Until have to take refuge
Under the trees or
Behind the tree trunks
Or at your usual resident
Where you bury yourself alive
The bunker you inherited
As the house of yours
In the age of
And you can keep it
For the future
If you can or if you have
A future
In the humanitarian world
As the heritage
Of your living mode
If you and all
Are save and alive
Under the barrages of
Shells and bombs of
The almighty liberators
Of you and all
Under the dark sun
December 2008