THIRD EYE Local Knowledge and Skill Activists Group. We as a group work alternative to globalization, which suppresses the differences in the multicultural world. We value all the species as equal and believe that they have the right to live on the planet earth. To create a dialogue on these issues we, conduct workshops, seminars, informal discussion groups, in the Universities, Schools, Villages and at other social events and publish a newsletter “Moondravathu Kann”.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Mr. R. Kandiah holds a Masters Degree in English from the University of Calcutta and a Diploma in Education from the University of London.
He took up to teaching as his favoured vocation and has taught English Language and Literature at several levels including in educational institutions like Mahajana College, Tellipalai, the Jounier University College, Palaly, The Teachers' Training College, Palay and in the Collgiate Section (Department) in Jaffna College, Vaddukoddai.
Well versed in both Tamil and English Literature, he has shared his knowledge, experience and wisdom with his many students and lovers of literature.
Deeply philoshophical, he is an ardent admirer of Jittu Krishnamoorthy, the well - known world teacher and had taught in one of Krishnamoorhty's Schools in Chennai.
A pacifistby nature he is never confrontational, ever when he is personally affected. He would rather more away than put up a fight- he understood that violence never resolved any problems.
He is married to SAHIDEVI(SAHITHEVI) Thiyagarajah, a product of Ramanathan College, a tamil scholar herself and keen social worker.
Mr.S. Rajasingham