Monday, January 29, 2007


“Silent Guardian”

The species which resist
The cruel control of
The mighty emperors;
Adopted themselves
To water cannons;
The disperser of
Campaign gatherings

Purging of water by cannons
The conventional disperse system
That applied democratically
To ensure
The law and order
And to maintain
A peaceful atmosphere
For the smooth running of
The wheels of mercenaries
The respectful agents of
The mighty emperors

To disperse the “unruly mob”
Protesting against
The cutting down of
Forests of woods
And the Breton woods
By purging water by cannons
Are not answerable now

The species which resist
The cruel control of
The mighty emperors;
Adopted themselves
To water cannons;
The disperser of
Campaign gatherings

“To save guard
The well being
Of the people”

Who wave the National Flags
From both sides of the parades
And make the nations proud
On the Independent days

The well dines and dressed
Brain washed intellectuals

Living in comfortable cubicles
Had answered again
To the demand
Of their Master’s call
And designed
The Silent Guardian

The US military's Active Denial System,
a non-lethal ray gun that fires microwaves
that makes people feel
they are about to catch fire.
Photograph: Elliott Minor/AP

The merciless weapon
The Silent Guardian
To save guard
The well being of the Masters
Against the vandals
Who protest and threaten
“The National Interests”
Against the
Horrendous terrorist too

How the wave device works?

Ian Sample, science correspondent
Friday January 26, 2007
The Guardian

It looks like a table top stuck on a Humvee, but to the US military it is a revolutionary new weapon, a controversial heat-ray destined to change the face of conflict by dispersing mobs, protecting military bases and sorting friend from foe without inflicting injuries.
Called Silent Guardian, the prototype fires a high-intensity beam of millimetre waves, inflicting a burning sensation like a light bulb pressed against the skin. After 12 years in development it has been demonstrated in public for the first time, at Moody air force base in Georgia.

Article continues...


Friday, January 26th, 2007

AMY GOODMAN: Marc Garlasco of Human Rights Watch joins us in the studio, senior military analyst at the organization, expert on non-lethal weapons. Gary Anderson joins us on the phone, retired Marine colonel, defense consultant in Washington, D.C. We welcome you both to Democracy Now! Marc Garlasco, can you describe further this weapon and what your concerns are?

MARC GARLASCO: Well, one of the problems that we have is that I can't do a very good job of describing it to you. I have gone and met with a number of military personnel and gone down to actually have conferences on the ADS, looked at video for footage on tests of the ADS, and spoken to a variety of military personnel on it, and yet they continue to hold back information from us. And one of the problems that we have is this veil of secrecy that they refuse to lift. We're not looking for any classified information on it, just for information basically to understand the legal and medical tests that have been undertaken on it. And so, I really can't describe in full this weapon, because of this veil of secrecy. And it’s incumbent upon the military to really lift that veil now so that we can have that discussion and debate on this really novel technology.

AMY GOODMAN: What do you feel when you're hit with it? I mean, reporters have been hit with it.

MARC GARLASCO: Well, we’ve been told -- I haven't been shot with it yet. I’m sure that they’re looking forward to getting me under the gun soon. I haven’t been shot with it yet, but from the video that I have seen and from speaking to people who have been hit with it, it’s an instantaneous heating, very quick, rapid, and you just want to get out of the way.

The species which resist
The cruel control of
The mighty emperors;
Adopted themselves
To water cannons;
The disperser of
Campaign gatherings

“When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion”
-Ethiopian proverb

The species which resist
The cruel control of
The mighty emperors;
Resisted with
Mighty power of hearts
With full of love
And spread the holy message…

The world is the visible heaven
For all living spices
